Inception-ResNet v1

在 Inception 模块中引入 Residual 连接,提高学习速度和网络性能。


graph TD; image["Image"]; stem["Stem"]; inception_a["5 x Inception-ResNet-A"]; reduction_a["Reduction-A"]; inception_b["10 x Inception-ResNet-B"]; reduction_b["Reduction-B"]; inception_c["5 x Inception-ResNet-C"]; pool["AvgPool k=8"]; dropout["Dropout 0.2"]; classifier["softmax classifier"]; image --> |"3*299*299"| stem; stem --> |"256*35*35"| inception_a; inception_a --> |"256*35*35"| reduction_a; reduction_a --> |"896*17*17"| inception_b; inception_b --> |"896*17*17"| reduction_b; reduction_b --> |"1792*8*8"| inception_c; inception_c --> |"1792*8*8"| pool; pool --> |"1792"| dropout; dropout --> |"1792"| classifier;


  • Stem
graph TD; image["Image"]; conv1["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; conv2["Conv k=3 ReLU"]; conv3["Conv k=3 p=1 ReLU"]; conv4["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; conv5["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv6["Conv k=3 ReLU"]; conv7["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; bn["BN ReLU"]; output["Output"]; image --> |"3*299*299"| conv1; conv1 --> |"32*149*149"| conv2; conv2 --> |"32*147*147"| conv3; conv3 --> |"64*147*147"| conv4; conv4 --> |"64*73*73"| conv5; conv5 --> |"80*73*73"| conv6; conv6 --> |"192*71*71"| conv7; conv7 --> |"256*35*35"| bn; bn --> |"256*35*35"| output;
  • Inception-ResNet-A
graph TD; input["Input"]; conv_1x1["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_a_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_a["Conv k=3 p=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b1["Conv k=3 p=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b2["Conv k=3 p=1 ReLU"]; concat["DepthConcat"]; concat_proj["Conv k=1"]; sum["Sum"]; bn["BN ReLU"]; output["Output"]; input --> |"256*35*35"| conv_1x1; conv_1x1 --> |"32*35*35"| concat; input --> |"256*35*35"| conv_3x3_a_reduce; conv_3x3_a_reduce --> |"32*35*35"| conv_3x3_a; conv_3x3_a --> |"32*35*35"| concat; input --> |"256*35*35"| conv_3x3_b_reduce; conv_3x3_b_reduce --> |"32*35*35"| conv_3x3_b1; conv_3x3_b1 --> |"32*35*35"| conv_3x3_b2; conv_3x3_b2 --> |"32*35*35"| concat; concat --> |"96*35*35"| concat_proj; concat_proj --> |"256*35*35"| sum; input --> |"256*35*35"| sum; sum --> |"256*35*35"| bn; bn --> |"256*35*35"| output;
  • Inception-ResNet-B
graph TD; input["Input"]; conv_1x1["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_1x7["Conv k=[1,7] p=[0,3] ReLU"]; conv_7x1["Conv k=[7,1] p=[3,0] ReLU"]; concat["DepthConcat"]; concat_proj["Conv k=1"]; sum["Sum"]; bn["BN ReLU"]; output["Output"]; input --> |"896*17*17"| conv_1x1; conv_1x1 --> |"128*17*17"| concat; input --> |"896*17*17"| conv_reduce; conv_reduce --> |"128*17*17"| conv_1x7; conv_1x7 --> |"128*17*17"| conv_7x1; conv_7x1 --> |"128*17*17"| concat; concat --> |"256*17*17"| concat_proj; concat_proj --> |"896*17*17"| sum; input --> |"896*17*17"| sum; sum --> |"896*17*17"| bn; bn --> |"896*17*17"| output;
  • Inception-ResNet-C
graph TD; input["Input"]; conv_1x1["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_1x3["Conv k=[1,3] p=[0,1] ReLU"]; conv_3x1["Conv k=[3,1] p=[1,0] ReLU"]; concat["DepthConcat"]; concat_proj["Conv k=1"]; sum["Sum"]; bn["BN ReLU"]; output["Output"]; input --> |"1792*8*8"| conv_1x1; conv_1x1 --> |"192*8*8"| concat; input --> |"1792*8*8"| conv_reduce; conv_reduce --> |"192*8*8"| conv_1x3; conv_1x3 --> |"192*8*8"| conv_3x1; conv_3x1 --> |"192*8*8"| concat; concat --> |"384*8*8"| concat_proj; concat_proj --> |"1792*8*8"| sum; input --> |"1792*8*8"| sum; sum --> |"1792*8*8"| bn; bn --> |"1792*8*8"| output;
  • Reduction A
graph TD; input["Input"]; conv_3x3_a["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b1["Conv k=3 p=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b2["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; pool["MaxPool k=3 s=2"]; concat["DepthConcat"]; bn["BN ReLU"]; output["Output"]; input --> |"256*35*35"| conv_3x3_a; input --> |"256*35*35"| conv_3x3_b_reduce; input --> |"256*35*35"| pool; pool --> |"256*17*17"| concat; conv_3x3_a --> |"384*17*17"| concat; conv_3x3_b_reduce --> |"192*35*35"| conv_3x3_b1; conv_3x3_b1 --> |"192*35*35"| conv_3x3_b2; conv_3x3_b2 --> |"256*17*17"| concat; concat --> |"896*17*17"| bn; bn --> |"896*17*17"| output;
  • Reduction B
graph TD; input["Input"]; conv_3x3_a_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"] conv_3x3_a["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b1["Conv k=3 p=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_b2["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_c_reduce["Conv k=1 ReLU"]; conv_3x3_c["Conv k=3 s=2 ReLU"]; pool["MaxPool k=3 s=2"]; concat["DepthConcat"]; bn["BN ReLU"]; output["Output"]; input --> |"896*17*17"| conv_3x3_a_reduce; conv_3x3_a_reduce --> |"256*17*17"| conv_3x3_a; conv_3x3_a --> |"384*8*8"| concat; input --> |"896*17*17"| conv_3x3_b_reduce; conv_3x3_b_reduce --> |"256*17*17"| conv_3x3_b1; conv_3x3_b1 --> |"256*17*17"| conv_3x3_b2; conv_3x3_b2 --> |"256*8*8"| concat; input --> |"896*17*17"| conv_3x3_c_reduce; conv_3x3_c_reduce --> |"256*17*17"| conv_3x3_c; conv_3x3_c --> |"256*8*8"| concat; input --> |"896*17*17"| pool; pool --> |"896*8*8"| concat; concat --> |"1792*8*8"| bn; bn --> |"1792*8*8"| output;


  • ILSVRC 2012 上 144 切割的实验结果
Network Crops Top-1 Error Top-5 Error
ResNet-151 dense 19.4% 4.5%
Inception-v3 144 18.9% 4.3%
Inception-v4 144 17.7% 3.8%
Inception-ResNet-v1 144 18.8% 4.3%


  1. Szegedy, C., Io e, S., Vanhoucke, V.: Inception-v4, inception-resnet and the impact of residual connections on learning. arXiv:1602.07261 (2016)